
Selasa, 24 April 2018

Dive Into The World of Arts

Art produced by Google’s Deep Dream Artificial Intelligent - Google Deep Dream

There are huge definitions of art and whether we understand the meaning of art or not, we might contributed or came crossed it without even realize it. Before we go through some definition of arts one thing we can be sure, art is important in our lives.

These are few definitions of the arts from various sources;

Google Dictionary:
  • the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.
  • the various branches of creative activity, such as painting, music, literature, and dance.
  • subjects of study primarily concerned with human creativity and social life, such as languages, literature, and history (as contrasted with scientific or technical subjects).
  • a skill at doing a specified thing, typically one acquired through practice.

  •  Art is a diverse range of human activities in creating visual, auditory or performing artefacts (artworks), expressing the author's imaginative or technical skill, intended to be appreciated for their beauty or emotional power. In their most general form these activities include the production of works of art, the criticism of art, the study of the history of art, and the aesthetic dissemination of art.
Drawing of ancient woodworking from Egyptian painting. - Photo by: The Yorck Project

Well, we know that’s not enough to explain about the arts. So we can see few other references, perhaps from Huffingtonpost, or something deeper from Mentalfloss, and don’t forget to check on details discussion “What is Art? and/or What is Beauty?” from Philosophynow. So arts can be in many forms from the way we talk, to the way we walks (it’s everything) and we are all doing it with the different impacts to our surrounding.

Here's what we are going to share few forms of the arts that we knew well. Perhaps we can learn more about it in details. We also will share few people that good at it, and few sources that we can learn more about it. So, we can choose which form of arts that we like and go through it more deeply. These resources will be added from time to time (just follow the link provided).


The starry night by Vincent van Gogh vallued at more than hundrend millions - Photo by: wikimedia
Drawings are the most basic form of arts. Even though some other arts don't require drawings, many others rely on drawings as their basic such as pottery, woodworks, ironworks, glassworks, architectures, and many others. Whether there’s a physical drawing or not, those arts need to start with some drawings.

So let see drawings in general through their media;

Drawings; pencil drawing, charcoal, ink or monotones.

Coloured drawings/paintings:
  • Colourpencil
  • Crayon
  • Pastels
  • Chalk
  • Watercolours
  • Acrylics
  • Oil paintings
  • Airbrush.
  • Pen - ballpoint pen, technical pen, fountain pen, nib pen, marker
* Other forms of drawings such as graffiti, mural, comic or manga can be related back to the panting media above.


Craft is another broad form of arts that can be categories into few different classes. Here we will list few of it and will try to add more as much as we can. Usually craft also will be linked together with drawing skills.


Even though the process of producing the textiles itself is an art, but the arts that related to textiles are developed tremendously. The arts of textiles including producing products from the textiles and also the patterns using the same materials or additional materials as additional.
  •  Applique
  •  Beadwork
  •  Crochet
  •  Dyeing
  •  Embroidery
  •  Knitting
  •  Lace
  •  Patchwork
  •  Passementerie
  •  Quilting
  •  Rug & carpet making
  •  Textile printing


For pottery it is easier to classify the arty types using the materials that use (as the arts mostly known by their materials).
  • Earthenware
  • Terracotta
  • Stoneware
  • Porcelain
  • Fritware
  • Egyptian faience
  • Ironstone
  • Jasperware

Wood working:

Chinese wood carving at Green Lake Hotel, Kunming. Photo by: thisiscolossal.com

It’s hard to classify the woodworks as I am not so sure all of them. So if there’s any opinion to add on this topic, please don’t hesitate to add it in the comment or send me an email. Here I will list some of them base on how the woodworks process;

  •           Wood carving
  •       Parquetry
  •       Japanese carpentry
  •       Spindle turning
  •       Pyrography
  •       Clogs
  •       Lacquerware
  •       Craft with plant materials - coconut shell, bamboo, rattan, and etc.


Glassart in Formosa Boulevard Station, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan – Photo by: wikipedia
Same goes for the glass, the process has also become the classification of the glassworks. One process might have different distinctive results. Usually craftsman will only mastering one type of glasswork - because it requires different type of tools.
  •       Glassblowing
  •          Stained glass
  •          Glass sculptures
  •          Etched glass
  •          Cold glass
  •           Enamelled glass
  •           Glass mosaic

There are different types of classification of metalwork, it’s either by the types of metal that their use or the product that they produce. Sometimes we also known them with the process. But here let us list some of it to see the different;
  •       Goldsmith
  •          Silversmith
  •          Sculptures
  •          Masks
  •          Metal plates
  •          Ornaments
  •          Furniture
  •          Jewelleries
  •          Musical instruments
* Goldsmith and silversmith can also producing jewelleries, but they are specified to each metal if they only work with one metal only.

Creative Arts:


Popular novels - kosmosaicbooks.com 

Writing is also another important types of art. From the basic form of writing it’s allow us to record some important information in the history. Today we have different types of writing for different purposes even for different languages.

  •          Journals
  •          Diaries
  •          Essays
  •         Storytelling
  •          Poetry
  •          Memoir
  •          Scripts
  •          Blogging
  •          Free writing


Photo of book cover: Michael Jackson: The King of Pop by Chris Roberts

Acting, singing, theatre performances, magician, stand-up comedy, dancing and live performances (acrobatics, mix of performances).


Japanese foods presented with beautiful decoration. - Photo by: savvytokyo.com

Cooking is another huge topic to talk about, but still so important in our history. Every dishes need to prepare accordingly or it cannot be eaten. We might add extra decoration – that will be different part of art. We will try to list some of it, but then we only get clearer picture when we go through it one by one.

By process;
  •          Roasting
  •          Grilling
  •          Blanching or boiling
  •          Sous-vide
  •         Steaming
  •         Baking
  •         Stir-frying
  •         Fermenting
  •         Salads

* There are many other types of cooking arts that we need to discuss it in more specific articles, especially when we talk about specific dishes such as specific dishes related to some part of culture, e.g.: sushi, kimchee, tom yam, rendang and etc.

As you can see, there are too many form of arts and I cannot list of all it here. So I will come back to add more of it in this list. From here we can see more articles to help us to develop the skills or to learn more from those who are good at it, or maybe we just want to get more information about it. Hope this will help for us to enrich our knowledge.

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