
Selasa, 29 November 2016

Important Locations for Tour in Kuala Lumpur - Dataran Merdeka

Dataran Merdeka filled with tours and historical objects.
Kuala Lumpur is a major tourist site in Malaysia. Whether for locals or foreign tourists, a visit to Kuala Lumpur would not be complete without visiting this key location in the city. To facilitate the process of visiting Kuala Lumpur this prime location will allows you to visit several attractions at the same time. The prime location that we mean is Merdeka Square (Dataran Merdeka).

Merdeka  Square (Dataran Merdeka) is not only historical location but at the same time located most of other important attractions in Kuala Lumpur. For those who have limited time, a visit here can save your time to get a glance of Kuala Lumpur and Malaysia altogether. Among the attractions are as follows:

Sultan Abdul Samad Building

Front view of the Sultan Abdul Samad Building.
View the afternoon.

Clock tower.
Is a historical building built in 1894 which is one of the important attractions in this area, this building has witnessed many historical events that occurred at the site of which including the lowered of the Union Jack flag on August 31, 1957 and replaced with a flag for Malayan flag for independence ceremony.

The building was designed by the British architect AC Norman and assisted by engineers CE Spooner. Its unique design has become an icon of the city to this day. It is based on the architecture of Moorish and Moghul architecture. It comes with 3 domes were originally built of wood and brick, painted black. The dome was replaced with copper-clad dome as viewed today.

Sultan Abdul Samad building becomes main object for visitors to Merdeka Square in recalling the long history of Kuala Lumpur and Malaysia. This makes it the essence of your visit to the city.

National Textile Museum (National Textiles Museum)

Textile Museum building.
Diorama traditional cloth weaving process.

Among the exhibition space at the Textile Museum.
National Textile Museum is open from 9 January 2010 the building was originally the headquarters of the Federal Malay States Railways (FMSR). It was later used for a variety of uses until converted into a museum in 2010. The building's attractive design gives the museums some extra unique features.

As the name implies, this museum displays interesting collections of exhibits, namely textile materials used by the Malaysian as a clothing material beforehand until now. The approaches used by the museum are also very effective with varieties of media including video, multimedia materials, printed materials, other than dioramas only. Guided tours are also available at certain times.

A visit to this museum by us found that the museum meet the criteria’s for the exhibition and educational center. It was also recognized with the award from the TripAdvisor with "Certificate of Excellence". Therefore it is another important attraction in Independence Square that we recommend.

Textile Museum opened for free every day from 9am - 6pm. For more information you may visit the museum's web site at http://www.muziumtekstilnegara.gov.my or contact no. Tel: 603 - 2694 3457

KL City Gallery

KL City Gallery building.
Replication of Kuala Lumpur city in the future.

The building model is intricately done their work.
KL City gallery is another interesting place to know more about the development of Kuala Lumpur history. It is also the location that houses the office of the Visit KL information counter. You can see a replica of the Kuala Lumpur City model built by Arch Kuala Lumpur.

Arch Kuala Lumpur is a company which produces merchandise for souvenir in the form of very attractive building replicas. In this gallery you will also have the opportunity to see the sculptors at work. At the end of the tour you have the chance to buy souvenirs that are sold in their gifts shop.

The entrance fee to the KL City Gallery is free and it's open daily from 8am - 6pm. For more information you may visit their website at www.klcitygallery.com or contact no. Tel: 603 - 2691 1382

St. Mary's Anglican Cathedral

Building St. Mary's Anglican Cathedral.
The room in the building.

The building was also built by the same architect for the construction of the Sultan Abdul Samad AC Norman. What is obviously different is the concept used for the construction of a traditional English church and it was built in 1894.

The old building is fitted with attractive stained glass windows (stained-glass) together with its pipe-organ addressed to Sir Henry Gurney who was the British High Commissioner in Malaysia at that time.

To find out more about this old building you may visit the website www.stmaryschatedral.org.my or contact no. Tel: 603 - 2692 8672.

Museum of Music

Music Museum's building.
The interior of the Museum of Music.

Street music performances on Saturday & Sundays.
Museum of Music is one of the latest attractions at Merdeka Square and opened on 1 August 2015. It houses a variety of traditional instruments from various races in Malaysia. As well as the National Textile Museum, it aims to educate the public about the diversity of the art equipment used for entertainment in our country.

As well as other buildings in its surrounding this museum building is also part of the complex of old buildings that are hundreds of years old and designed by engineers with AC Norman with the concept Moorish and Mogul.

There are musical performances (busking) was held in front of the museum on Saturdays and Sundays and it is one of the interesting activity to watch because of its cheering atmosphere. In addition, there are also Malay gamelan performances. It is open daily from 9: 00 - 6: 00 with the entrance fee is free. For more information you can visit the website http://www.jmm.gov.my/ms/muzium-muzik or contact no. Tel: 603 - 2604 0176.

Apart from the places mentioned above, there are several other places that are not covered in detail in this article include:

  • DBKL City Theatre Culture
  • Library Kuala Lumpur (DBKL)
  • Royal Selangor Club

While the near attractions to Merdeka Square are:
  • Masjid Jamek
  • Masjid India
  • Central Market (Pasar Seni)

It can be visited on the same day of your visit to Merdeka Square as the location is very close. That’s why this location selected as the main attraction on our list as all important attractions located at the same place. The whole area on Merdeka Square is an area full of historical buildings and structures, and each has its own stories.

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Isnin, 28 November 2016

Orang Asli Craft Museum, Kuala Lumpur

The main entrance to the Orang Asli Craft Museum.
Orang Asli Craft Museum (Muzium Seni Kraf Orang Asli) is located at Jalan Damansara, next to the building of the National Museum, Kuala Lumpur. It is different with Aboriginal Museum, in Gombak, Selangor. As the name implies, it's intended to introduce the art of aboriginal craft in addition to other matters related to the culture of within these communities.

Apart from the craft items it also shows the connection between the items and the life of the people through their stories of myths and legends, culture and beliefs. The exhibits are on permanent display and some exhibited seasonally.

The galleries which have been enlarge, are divided into eight segments which show the life of the aboriginal, which includes background of tribal natives, geographical distribution and demographics, sculptures, carved masks, traditional residence, hunting equipment and fishing, mortality, musical instruments, accessories and woven garments. All the materials are delivered using a variety of methods including the use of multimedia to further ease the process of learning about the lives of the indigenous people of this.

Collection of masks on display.
Wood carvings by indigenous communities.
Fishing equipment.
Ticket prices Orang Asli Craft Museum

Visitor Type
  • Citizen: RM 2.00
  • Elderly and Persons with Disabilities (PWDs): RM 1.00
  • Children aged 12 and under (citizen): free of charge
  • Secondary School students dress uniforms (citizen): free of charge
  • High School Students not dressed in uniform (citizen): RM 2.00
  • Member of International Council of Museums (ICOM): free of charge
  • Not a citizen: RM 5.00
  • Children (6 to 12 years) (non-citizens): RM 2.00
  • Children younger than 6 years (non-citizens): free of charge

Opening Hours
  • 9.00 am - 6.00 pm (daily)
  • Closed on the first day of Aidilfitri and Aidil Adha


Visitors can take a taxi or bus KL HOP-ON HOP-OFF, free bus (Go KL) or other alternative transportation based in KL Sentral Station, the commuter, LRT, monorail or walk for 20 minutes. You also will have opportunity to use the MRT service when it opens later.

Contact Person

Asmawi Bin Mohamed Yunus - Chairman MSKOA Museum (asmawi@jmm.gov.my)


Orang Asli Craft Museum, Department of Museums Malaysia, Jalan Damansara, 50566 Kuala Lumpur

Tel:   603-22671000 samb.154 / 171/153
Fax: 603-2282 7294/2287 1275

Email: pr.mskoa@jmm.gov.my

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Ahad, 27 November 2016

How Paper Was Invented?

"Paper wasp" using pieces of wood to form paper to build their nest.
Paper is one of the important inventions that make the development of human knowledge growing even faster. Although the paper used for various purposes, the main usage of paper such as for writing, recording and storing information are the most important usage of paper. Although paper is used by humans but it also had been used by nature (by insects) since millions of years ago.

Insects known as paper wasps or also known as “angkut-angkut” (in Malay) are the real designer of paper. This insect can be found almost all over the world with the number of species up to more than 1,100 species in total. But all these insects build their nests using paper produced using fiber from trees or plants which are then mixed with saliva to form a nest.

Cai Lun, who invented paper making methods.
The uniqueness of this insect was observed by an official Chinese government called Cai Lun (Traditional Chinese : 蔡倫). Cai Lun said to be inspired by his observation of the insects’ paper wasp that build their nests from wood fiber use in about 105 AD. Although the paper production process continues to be improved but retained the original process by collecting a layer of plant fibers suspended in water using a strainer to separate the water before it is dried. It is through this discovery, he was known as one of the key figures with various awards.

Book before paper was invented.
Wasp, collecting wood fibers.

Traditional production process of paper.
Paper production technique is expanding to other regions of China to the Middle East and to some parts of Europe. Paper development in the West is through Baghdad and it is known as “bagdatikos”. Since paper is an important material, paper-related industries continue to be developed either in terms of the materials used, as well as its own production process. Even paper recycling technologies are being introduced since 1774 by a jury from German, Justus Claproth.

While paper commonly used to keep a record or to print, it is also used for a variety of other usage such as packaging, boxes, building walls, as handicrafts, food containers, paper and more.

Wasp nest which is guarded by small group of wasp.

One of the "paper wasp" from thousands of species.

However, reducing paper consumption can safe lots of trees and other plants as a source of fiber (cellulose) where demand for paper continues to grow each year. Today with the advancement of digital technology, the demand for paper had been decreased, but still necessary. In terms of the paper pollution anyway, it's not as bad as the impact of plastic pollution, but if not controlled, it can also lead to negative impacts.

Anyway paper is one of the results that we get from the observations made on nature. For insects "paper wasp" paper has been used by them for millions of years for the purpose of building their nest. Hopefully, we will always be more sensitive to see how to utilize natural resources available in nature itself, but at the same time not damaging it.

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Malay World Ethnological Museum, Kuala Lumpur

The main entrance of the Malay World Ethnological Museum.
Another museum that is quite interesting for the fans of the cultural history and traditions of the Malay world. This is because the museum is not only dedicated to the Malays in Malaysia alone but also all other Malays communities that covers wider area.

Situated near the building of the National Museum, the Malay World Ethnological Museum is smaller and the front wooden structure built to resemble a traditional Malay house. What interesting here is, this museum also includes exhibits from around other region including Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Cambodia, Vietnam, South Africa, Madagascar and also of Malay Polenesia. This will open up your knowledge of the Malay world as a whole.

Among the collections exhibited in the museum includes textile goods, weapons, sculptures, metal tools and technology, jewelries, musical instruments and so on. Do not forget also Malays recreation activities such as traditional kite (wau), shadow puppets (wayang kulit) (which include several countries of Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand), the spinning top and many others. Through this exposure, it is quite easy for us to understand the connection between us which is actually inside a huge group of ethnic.

Most of the exhibits here will raise many questions about the real world of Malay people. Perhaps some will be answered and the rest you should work on for the answer. It is like bringing together pieces of the puzzle that is quite interesting to note. But after you figure it out, let it be known by us that we all come from the same family.

"Keris" from many different parts of Malay world.
Kitchen utensils used by the Malays.
Water transport and naval technology.
Wood carvings.
Ticket Malay World Ethnological Museum

Visitor Type
  • Nationality: RM 2.00
  • Elderly and Persons with Disabilities (PWD): RM 1.00
  • Children aged 12 and under (citizen): Free
  • Secondary School students dressed in uniforms (citizen): Free
  • High School Students not dressed in uniform (citizen): RM 2.00
  • Member of International Council of Museums (ICOM): Free
  • Non-Citizens: RM 5.00
  • Children (6 to 12 years) (non-citizens): RM 2.00
  • Children younger than 6 years (non-citizens): Free

Opening Hours
  • Open daily from 9.00am - 6.00pm.

* Close the Hari Raya Aidilfitri and Hari Raya Haji.


By Bus or Taxi and Commuter / Putra LRT off at KL Sentral station, walk 0.5 km to the National Museum, MRT also available when it starts in service soon.

Note: credit picture of hafidzahmad.com

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